Bringing Your Cats to the Con Guideline
Comply with all guidelines specified below and guidelines are subject to change at our own discretion and without notice. Any attendee that does not comply will be turned away. Tickets are not refundable.
A few tips:
Kittens do better with crowds than adult cats.
Some cats are more sensitive to noise than others.
This event is not a place for you to test whether your cats are able to handle large crowds.
Maximum of 2 cats allowed per group.
Have an updated rabies vaccination proof on hand at the event ( a picture works).
Only domestic cats (hybrid cats or other animal species are not allowed) and will be turned away.
Your cat MUST be handled by adults at all times.
Your cat MUST be suitable to attend and is not aggressive towards other cats or people.
Your cat MUST be transported to the Exhibition Hall inside a carrier, pet backpack, pet stroller, or wearing a harness and leash.
If you let your cat out of its carrier at the Exhibition Hall, your cat needs to be wearing a harness and leash at all times.
Do not let your cat wander.
Don’t approach your cat to other felines.
We are not responsible for any harm to your cat; you are fully responsible for any incident caused by your cat.
Any attendee that does not follow these guidelines or endangers his/her cat or any other cats, may be asked to leave the event. Tickets are not refundable.
Note that terms and restrictions may change at our own discretion. Let’s have fun, keep it safe for everyone, and see you soon!
Any questions? Email us at