
Sea-Meow press registration is open for journalists regularly making editorial contributions.

Who Qualifies:

  • Writers

  • Reporters

  • Reviewers

  • Producers

  • Photographer

  • Independent Journalist

  • Others - who are attending specifically to write about Sea-Meow and/or cover the event for newspapers, magazines, TV, and radio.

  • Influencers/content creators (subjected to approval)

Who doesn’t qualify:

  • Graphic designers

  • Marketing

  • Public Relations

  • Sales staff

Press Badge Access:

Sea-Meow press tickets provide complimentary access to the event for all 2 days of the event.

Your press ticket DOES NOT allow:

  • Early or special access into Sea-Meow

  • Guaranteed seating at panels and events

  • The ability to cut lines

  • Free access to any events requiring an additional ticket


  • Applying does not guarantee approval. You'll be notified if you have been approved within 72 hours of your submission. We will only contact you if you are approved. If approved, additional information will be provided in your confirmation email. Every individual applying for a Sea-Meow press badge may only apply once.

  • Sea-Meow reserves the right to approve or deny any application, and there is a limit to the number of press badges provided to each organization.

  • Press badges are non-transferable and non-resellable. Any individuals caught selling their press tickets will be disqualified from attending future Sea-Meow events, for life.

  • Press badges are limited in nature and will be issued only to professionally employed adults. Badge will not be issued to children, families, or guests.

  • You must be 18 or older to qualify for a press badge.

Application Form